For men who are in their late 40’s in age and above, and who have a pectoralis major injury, there is hope. You have seen in my previous videos my decision to treat my pec rupture conservatively (non-surgical).
Some wondered if they choose the conservative treatment route also, would they lose all athletic ability, and be reduced to a lameness life. (video Below)
Well, anecdotally speaking, it has only crushed my bench press hopes. All my other strength has been unhindered since the accident. It took time and a lot of work-arounds, but I feel it has truly made me better and smarter as a personal trainer and strength coach.
Instead of wallowing in self pity, I challenged myself to be the best I can be, even though I have a major injury that will remain a permanent defect.
Kettlebell snatches served to fill the gap of restoring my range of motion, articulation of my chest and shoulder, as well as heeling the pain I felt in the anterior presentation of upper lifts.
At the age of 49, I will not allow the pec injury to discourage my goals of being a strong and fit man. If anything, it has challenged me to become a better trainer and coach because I live the life and code my clients do.
The video below shows me strict pressing 225lbs. Not bad for a guy who only has his left pec working for him.
Today’s 50-year-old can and will be yesterdays 30-year-old despite injury’s!