One of the most controversial aspects of kettlebell sport is the judges call on fixation. Some judges are more stringent than others, and they give no reps to athletes that are trading speed for perfect form.
Some judges let the bad form slide when impressive bouts of strength and endurance are being displayed.
However, there is something graceful, and aesthetically pleasing when a kettlebell athlete nails a beautiful fixation pose (like a clean snapshot) at the top of their movement. It demonstrates solid control over the intrinsic muscles in the arm and shoulders that otherwise would go unnoticed with the quick movement down, using the prime movers (large muscles) only.
I am going to continue to practice locking out with full extension of arms (both free hand and working hand) with as little movement as possible. In the video below I start with 32kg, then 24kg, followed by 20kg, and then repeat (sets of ten per arm) until my form begins to fail.
After 30 minutes my arms and shoulders are smoked.