Kettlebell Twist For Golfers
As golfers we know the “4 Big Things” that plague our game when they break down or become weak. The back, the knee caps, the elbows, and the wrists. The wrists can be most over-looked because trainers may feel that general exercise for golfers is enough.
Overuse of certain muscles (because of highly repetitive motions) can actually make other muscles weak. Especially in the wrists! So it is my opinion that golfers need to give even more than the unusual attention to imbalances and possible dysfunction. (video below)
Think of it. Years of holding and swinging the same diameter club over and over. Just borrowing someone Else’s clubs can freak us out!
The kettlebell exercise I demonstrate in the video below, is a great way to strengthen the wrist in some of its weakest points. It also improves rotation and articulation of the wrist and forearm, allowing greater grip strength for the golfer.