Category Archives: Personal Training Tips
How Much Do You Want To Transform Your Life?
Mike is a great example of someone who wants to change his life for the better and pushes himself past his comfort zone. In just a few short months, the changes to his health are evident. Deep deficit pushups would … Continue reading
Personal Trainer In Cortland Howland Ohio Pushes Mike
Mike had a great week killing the workouts. He pushed it to the point of exhaustion and discomfort. His brain kept telling him to quit but his body had it in him. Not bad for a guy who is about … Continue reading
Nate Crushing Swing Chains, Bear Crawls, Kettlebells and Lunges
Nate keeps proving that even middle aged men have what it takes to be strong and fit if they want to. Proof that getting old is only in the mind! Nate has lost 18 pounds in his first month. Now … Continue reading
Nate Changing His Life After 50
Nate has not weight-lifted since high school football (give a year or two). He is doing what most people do not want to do. He is facing the pain and discomfort of training to change his life for the better. … Continue reading
Learning The Kettlebell Clean
Mike is learning the kettlebell clean “Girevoy Style” and is doing great for the first time even though it is very hard at first. Just goes to show we are not to old to learn a challenging new skill. Pam … Continue reading
77-Year-Old Woman Learning How To Bench Press
Barb never ceases to amaze me. Today she excepted the challenge to learn how to bench press with an Olympic barbell. The bar weighs 45lbs and she was able to bench it 9 reps the first set, 8 reps the … Continue reading
Learning What Bear Crawls and Walking Lunges Do To You
Mike learned what bear crawls mixed with walking lunges can do to a new person who has never done them before. It can make a new person sick even though you limit the training tempo and duration. 50 feet of … Continue reading
65-Year-Old Does Band Thrusters
Mary Ellen was killing it today doing banded thrusters for the first time. She started personal training to improve her strength at the age of 65. Most people use age as an excuse to not change or the old doctor … Continue reading
Your Never To Old To Get Fit
I want to brag on Robynn who is 56-years-old woman who is stepping up to change her life. Imagine that when she started personal training a few months ago, she could barley do the most basic exercise without pain. Now … Continue reading
Elderly Woman Deadlifts 24kg Kettlebell 60 times over 4 minutes
77-year-old Barb was killing the workout today with kettlebell deadlifts. The deadlifts were part of a circuit she was trying to complete in under 30 minutes. She shows we are never to old to start personal training and getting in … Continue reading