Does your youth prefer watching TV, scrolling the cellphone or playing video games? One day He or She will want to get strong and fit. When that time comes, it is crucial not to let them get injured or crushed when building a proper foundation.
Body weight exercises under the supervision of a personal trainer can do wonders for that foundation. Many times I see a youth who can barley do a body weight squat properly, handed a barbell on his back and then observe as people wince watching the poor form.
The legs of a sitting youth have to be treated like they have been in an accident and need a slow and steady rehab. The goal should always be to keep the youth from injury and to have a positive experience so that exercising becomes a staple of their lives.
The body weight lunge is to me the best leg exercise for starting the transition to leg health. It builds stability of the trunk, balance of the hips, and strong quadriceps and hip flexors.
Here is a new youth I am training, doing leg lunges for the first time. It took him about five minutes to get it right and off he goes!