Do you have a hard time with barbell front squats? Does the barbell hurt your wrists? Holding a barbell in the front of you may feel unnatural, and give pain in the forearms because of a lack of flexibility.
That is where I recommend dumbbell squats as a substitute (video below). Imagine all the benefits of the front squat without the forearm pain.
Some say that you cannot go heavy enough with dumbbells to stimulate growth. My response is that if you can swing and squat two 100lbs dumbbells, you are a beast. And unless you are competing in the Olympics why would you need anymore strength than that? Especially for sport?
How many people in the U.S. can even imagine performing 20 dumbbell squats with 100lbs dumbbells?
However, my preference for my youth trainees is to get them strong in both the larger muscles as well as the intrinsic ones. Dumbbell squats do just that!