I have never snatched a kettlebell for 10 minutes, with a one arm switch halfway (5 minute mark). Coach Cricks is setting up programming for me in the snatch. Now that I have switched to snatch only, in kettlebell sport training, we needed a marker of what I could do.
After all, I have only been snatching the last week and a half exclusively.
The positives I like about snatching is how well I can get oxygen during the expansive aspect of the lift. With Long Cycle I just never felt that. Another, is how ballistic it feels. The force and whip required to get the bell flying works the low back and shoulders uniquely. If you want a great workout that requires skill, try snatching with regulatory competition kettlebells. They are a blast!
The video below shows a total of 180 reps in 10 minutes with a 34lbs kettlebell.